My Photo Lane.

Life through my lenses.

Posts from the ‘Uncategorized’ category

Leggings, sweets, and sunsets.

I am sooooo excited to share my photoshoot pics with you today!! I honestly blew myself away with them lol and the new nikon lens blew me away too (mentioned it in my last post if you are curious)!! I will not spend time speaking on how awesome it is…the pics will show themselves! The bokeh is not the best out there, but pretty damn great! Being that this is my first photoshoot ever, and that I am doing it with beginners equipment…I am pretty happy with the results! I snapped a LOT of pics…like the mad person that I am. I love so many of them, but sharing a few faves with you. It sure helps having a beautiful best friend to shoot (how gorgeous is she?!)! Check her out at for fashion and makeup…she is a beginner as well, but def someone to watch out for 😉

We did the shoot at Santana Row, a nice spot to hangout…particularly in the summer time. Shops, lounges, coffee shops galore…one of my favorite spots. And as you can see by the pics, great scenic spots! We were able to catch what was left of the sun for the day…Had a great night catching up over sweets (I was kind of drowning in my three layer chocolate mousse cake…I will have dreams about it) at the bakery, and shooting her outfit…hope you like them as much as I do.


Essence of summer still hangin with us.

Essence of summer still hangin with us.

The suoermodel!

The supermodel!

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Joy. Creativity. Adventure.

The Daily Post

The Art and Craft of Blogging

What I saw

Imaginal Worlds

Photographic Explorations

Back Road Journal

Little treasures discovered while exploring the back roads of life

alexa seidl mackinnon photography

“taking pictures is savoring life intensely, every hundredth of a second.”